Welcome, now is a good time as any to discuss the key things one needs to do prepare for a disaster scenario. We’ve seen the banking system falling apart in 2023, international relations with several countries rapidly deteriorating and much fear of these spreading and we’ve got an explosive national debt that just keeps going up. At this point, it’s so unfeasible to even pay it off or even reduce it that most leaders don’t even talk about it. We got in this situation by always wanting things to be good in the present, there was no consideration for the future. That said let’s discuss some prepping things I think are critical for a variety of disaster scenarios.
(1) First, and the most important is water, and it goes without saying there are variety of scenarios where water can become issue. Now myself and my family, we’re prepared on a few different ways. First, we keep at least a couple months’ worth of bottled water on hand as it’s very possible the water supply could become compromised. Now recently, we’ve gotten a few different water purification methods and gadgets. One is straw that purifies the water as you suck, we got an amazon. Obviously, the further from a city the better you’ll be. Water is probably going to be fresher and have less contaminants. Other ideas are filling your bathtubs up, having a rain barrel, and other collection methods. Boiling your water too to kill bacteria and viruses.
(2) Food – In a SHTF scenario, have several months of food on hand. And think about the food you are going to want to store , canned is obviously a great, but another good idea is to buy emergency food. You can get a decent amount of emergency food for a fair price.
(3) Medicine- I’ll start by saying this will be very dependent on the individual. And I’ll start with prescription drugs. There’s not really a great solution here , as these meds are regulated. One thing that can be done is order 90-day supplies or longer if you can. You can also store away pills over time too as long as they don’t expire quickly. And in a disaster scenario, my first move is to the pharmacy, not the grocery store, gas station or somewhere else.
Now it’s smart to have a good stock of non-prescription drugs too like pain reliever, penicillin and other medicine.
(4) Energy- The last year or two, I’ve heard time and time again how fragile our electrical grid is. There’s a variety of ways that it could be taken down. To prepare for this, I think the best solution is to buy a generator. Excluding a SHTF scenario, a generator can be good to have as your family might need it for power outages for winter storms or hurricanes.
There’re a few different options one can get when buying a generator. Generally speaking, I’ll give some pointers on which one might be best for you. If you’re out in the country and experience power outages regularly, then a whole home generator might be best for you. They are expensive but can power your whole home in the event of an outage. There are some other things to look for when buying one. Check the fuel source. Most are either Gas or propane, or duel fuel (Gas and propane). The advantage of Gas is it tends to put out more wattage; propane though can be stored longer unlike GAS which has a very short shelf life of a weeks or months (unless additives are mixed in). Also check the decibel level of the generators; Inverters tend to be quiet. I, myself have a Champion Dual Fuel Inverter and it works great and is relatively quiet. I got this for around $950. In sum, have something to power key appliances like fridge and other electronics at the bare minimum.
(5) Communication is key in a SHTF. Now I personally think the key things you should own here are a short-wave radio and also a long-range walkie talkie. Remember cell phones could be down and internet too and most people today are not familiar with these devices. It’s my opinion if another country attacks us they are going to go after communication as we’ve been so dependent on it.
(6) Have gold and silver on hand. This is best for a financial collapse and a situation like hyperinflation or where the dollar becomes worthless. The national debt continues to skyrocket and it’s reasonable to assume a monetary reset might come.
(7) Have cash on hand. In a system collapse, where say hyperinflation takes hold its probably not going to be helpful to have cash. But if a cyberattack happens or an EMP, having cash can you get the can of gas or extra food you might need from a store.
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