- Write down your recurring bills that must be paid every month. Once you have paid these, think about paying off debt and other expenses, possibly credit card. With any money left over, rank order what you want to spend your money on.
- Make your budget before the months begin. This will allow you to plan for any unexpected expenses or for any extra cash you might come into. If you get extra cash (say from a tax refund) be smart, and if you know big expenses are coming up, save some money for the upcoming months. This is especially important for people who have inconsistent income, like real estate agents.
- Set up auto drafts to make life easier. This ensures you won’t be late on any payments. However, it’s still a good idea to check statements.
- Keep bills and receipts for some time. I’ve known people who’ve had tips changed on receipts by waiters. Luckily, they had kept their receipt and could dispute the charges to the restaurant and credit card company.
- Look for ways to save. This can be looking for deals and couponing. Also, know what products you buy on a regular basis and if you see something your family used buy in bulk.
Finance and Economics, Gold and Silver, Personal Finance, Investing, Saving Money